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Friday, 29 June 2012

Department of Physical Education and Sports directors' speech

Dear participants of the Euro-hockey Youth Championships, 

   This year you will have the opportunity to watch the Olympic Games, yet after several years you could already participate there. If only you will be able to maintain self-confidence, strong will and enough patience. Perhaps you don’t believe in this today, but I do believe in you. 

   Thank you for choosing the path of athlete. In this championship I wish you all strength, concentration, good luck and best results.

   Pleasant emotions for everybody! 

Klemensas Rimselis

Director General

Department of Physical Education and Sports

under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

A welcome from the EHF President, Marijke Fleuren

Welcome to the EuroHockey Under 16 Championships II, Vilnius, Lithuania

As President of the EHF I am delighted to welcome the players, their families, the officials, media and supporters to the EuroHockey Under 16 Championships II 

The EHF is fully committed to supporting our young players to experience a EuroHockey Championships and to compete at the highest level for the age group and ability.  

For some players this will be a stepping stone for an International hockey career that could lead them ultimately to an Olympic Games. For many others this Championships will be the pinnacle of their playing career.  

For all the players I hope that this experience will inspire them into a lifetime of being involved in our wonderfully unique hockey family. Hockey offers them a lot of opportunities as it does to coaches, umpires, administrators and lifetime fans.  

It is vital that you, as a player in your early International career, take the time to think about what kind of player and person you want to be. A tough competitor on the pitch but playing fairly by the rules and a disciplined young adult who shows respect for your fellow competitors and officials off the field? The EHF expects nothing less of you, to do yourself and your country proud during the whole of the Tournament.  

To the enthusiastic parents, I thank you for your support, but as I ask the players to show respect, I also ask you to demonstrate how you can show your support for your children and at the same time show respect for their fellow competitors and the umpires and officials. Be a proud parent, not a loud parent! 

Without hosts it would be impossible for us to offer our players this wonderful opportunity and so to Leonardas Caikauskas and his team of organisers, I say thank-you for your tireless work. I know you will set the stage for a fantastic event. 

Good luck!  

Marijke Fleuren

President, European Hockey Federation